塞內加爾Ligue 2

DateR主隊 v 客隊-
06/17 16:30 - 達喀爾UC v 阿米蒂 FC 3-1
05/29 17:00 - 登巴•迪奧普 v ASC HLM 1-2
05/28 17:00 - 阿米蒂 FC v Mbour Petite Cote 0-1
05/28 17:00 - 奧阿卡姆 v 捷斯FC 0-0
05/28 17:00 - 奧斯陸FA v ASC 沃利 達安 2-1
05/28 17:00 - 呂菲斯克Ajel v ASC Port Autonome 2-0
05/15 17:00 - Mbour Petite Cote v 安迪亞堡 2-1
05/15 17:00 - ASC HLM v 奧斯陸FA 0-2
05/14 18:30 - 捷斯FC v 登巴•迪奧普 1-1
05/14 18:30 - 達喀爾UC v Keur Madior 2-0
05/13 17:00 - ASC Port Autonome v 阿米蒂 FC 1-1
05/13 15:30 - ASC 沃利 達安 v 呂菲斯克Ajel 0-0
05/09 16:30 - 奧斯陸FA v 捷斯FC 1-2
05/07 16:30 - 登巴•迪奧普 v Jamono Fatick 1-1
05/07 16:30 - 奧阿卡姆 v 達喀爾UC 6-0
05/06 17:00 - Keur Madior v Mbour Petite Cote 0-1
05/06 16:30 - 阿米蒂 FC v 呂菲斯克Ajel 0-1
05/01 16:30 - Mbour Petite Cote v 奧阿卡姆 1-2
05/01 16:30 - 呂菲斯克Ajel v 安迪亞堡 1-0
04/30 16:30 - ASC Port Autonome v Keur Madior 1-0
04/18 17:00 - 奧斯陸FA v 達喀爾UC 2-0
04/18 16:30 - Keur Madior v 呂菲斯克Ajel 0-2
04/16 16:30 - 奧阿卡姆 v ASC Port Autonome 0-0
04/10 16:30 - 達喀爾UC v ASC HLM 1-1
04/10 16:30 - 呂菲斯克Ajel v 奧阿卡姆 1-1
04/08 16:30 - ASC Port Autonome v 登巴•迪奧普 1-2
04/07 16:30 - Mbour Petite Cote v 奧斯陸FA 1-1
04/02 16:30 - 奧阿卡姆 v 阿米蒂 FC 0-0
04/02 16:30 - 奧斯陸FA v ASC Port Autonome 3-1
04/01 16:30 - 捷斯FC v 達喀爾UC 2-0

The 2009 Ligue 2 season was the first of the professional competition of the second-tier football in Senegal. The tournament was organized by the Senegalese Football Federation The season began a little earlier on Saturday 2 May and finished on 16 October. It was the first season labelled as a "League" ("Ligue" in French). AS Pikine and ASC Niarry Tally were promoted into Ligue 1 the following season while ASC Xam Xam was relegated into National 1 the following season. Pikine had the highest with 42 points while ASC Niarry Tally was second with 40 points, scoring the most goals, numbering 32.

Geographically almost all clubs were in the western and westernmost parts of the country, two or three of the clubs were not of the Dakar area.

Unlike Ligue 1, there was no group system used in the season, the following year, Ligue 2 would have a group system where the club with the highest number of points was elevated into Ligue 1 in the 2011 season and the lowest relegated into National 1 in the 2011 season.

塞內加爾Ligue 2是塞內加爾的一個足球錦標賽,是該國足球聯賽系統中的第二級聯賽。該聯賽由塞內加爾足球協會(FSF)組織,旨在提供一個平台,讓塞內加爾的年輕球員和新秀球員展示他們的才華和技能。

塞內加爾Ligue 2每個賽季都吸引了來自全國各地的16支球隊參賽。這些球隊通過一個長而激烈的賽季,在各自的主場和客場進行比賽,爭奪聯賽冠軍的榮譽。最終,排名前兩位的球隊將獲得升級到塞內加爾Ligue 1的機會,而排名最後的球隊則可能降級到更低的聯賽。

塞內加爾Ligue 2的比賽水平高,充滿了激烈的競爭和精彩的比賽。球隊們展現出技術和戰術的精湛,為球迷們帶來了無數令人難忘的時刻。這個錦標賽也為塞內加爾的足球發展提供了重要的平台,培養了許多優秀的球員,他們在國內和國際賽場上都取得了巨大的成功。

塞內加爾Ligue 2的比賽吸引了大量的球迷和媒體關注,球場上觀眾的熱情和氛圍總是令人印象深刻。這個錦標賽不僅僅是一個足球比賽,更是一個凝聚了塞內加爾人民熱愛足球的集體體驗。無論是球迷還是球員,每個人都為塞內加爾Ligue 2的比賽感到自豪,並期待著看到更多的精彩表演和未來的足球之星的誕生。