Wikipedia - Dulwich Hill FC

Dulwich Hill, is a semi-professional football club, based and located in the Dulwich Hill area of New South Wales. In season 2023, they are set to compete in the Football NSW League One Mens competition and Boys Youth League 2.

The club has strong ties to the Portuguese community with particular emphasis on the island of Madeira. Dulwich Hill was originally established by migrants from the island of Madeira who had settled in the Inner West.

Dulwich Hill has a strong rivalry with Fraser Park who are also of Portuguese heritage and have a very strong Portuguese derby when they play.

達爾維奇希爾足球俱樂部(英語:Dulwich Hill Football Club)是一支位於雪梨內西區達爾維奇希爾的足球俱樂部,是紐省足球聯賽(英语:National Premier Leagues NSW)的參賽球隊。

俱樂部主場位於平治·歐文體育場(英语:Ernie Smith Reserve),以俱樂部長期主席歐文·史密斯命名。俱樂部的隊徽為一顆足球,上有俱樂部名稱的縮寫「DHFC」,兩側為月桂花環,底部則為俱樂部的座右銘拉丁語「Mens sana in corpore sano」,意為「健全的心靈寓於健全的身體」。

