Wikipedia - Soles de Mexicali

The Soles de Mexicali (English: Mexicali Suns) is a Mexican professional basketball team based in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico, playing in the Northern Division of the Liga Nacional de Baloncesto Profesional (LNBP). The team was founded in 2005, and has established as one of Mexico's most successful basketball franchises. They currently play their home games in the Auditorio del Estado and are getting their home auditorium remodeled to match their recent title.

After only two years of existence, the team won their first national championship against the Halcones de Xalapa.

墨西哥籃球隊「墨西加利太陽」是一支歷史悠久的球隊,成立於 1930 年,是墨西哥籃球聯盟(LNBP)的創始成員之一。球隊主場位於墨西哥城,主場館為墨西哥城體育館。球隊隊徽為一顆太陽,象徵著墨西哥的熱情和活力。球隊的球衣顏色為紅色和白色,象徵著墨西哥的國旗。球隊的吉祥物是一隻土撥鼠,象徵著球隊的靈活性和敏捷性。球隊的口號是「永不放棄」,象徵著球隊的拼搏精神。球隊的目標是成為墨西哥籃球聯盟的冠軍,並代表墨西哥參加國際籃球比賽。