Wikipedia - TKS 49ers

TKS 49ers (Teltow-Kleinmachnow-Stahnsdorf) is a German professional basketball team located at the southwest border of Berlin. The team competes in Germany's ProB league. Because of its proximity to Berlin, the club has cooperations with the Berlin clubs Tus Lichterfelde and DBV Charlottenburg.

TKS 49ers 是一支篮球队,於 1949 年在台北市成立。球隊名稱中的「TKS」是台北 كرة السلة 的縮寫,而「49ers」則是指球隊成立的年份 1949 年。TKS 49ers 是台灣籃壇的傳統勁旅之一,曾多次獲得全國籃球聯賽 (SBL) 的冠軍。球隊的主場館是台北和平籃球館。