Wikipedia - SK Babīte

SK Babīte is a Latvian football club. They are based in the Latvian town of Babīte near Rīga and competed in the highest division of Latvian football (the Virslīga) and the Latvian Football Cup. Their home stadium is located in Piņķi, but due to incompatibility with Virslīga standards the team plays its home matches in Rīga's Skonto Stadium. On 22 June 2017, they were excluded from the Latvian Higher League as the Latvian Football Federation received a notice from UEFA's Betting Fraud Detection System for 6 separate games involving Babite.

巴比德足球俱樂部(FK Babīte)是拉脫維亞足球俱樂部,位於里加郊區的巴比德。俱樂部成立於 2010 年,並於 2018 年首次升入拉脫維亞足球甲級聯賽。巴比德的主場是巴比德多功能體育場,可容納 1,000 人。


巴比德足球俱樂部在拉脫維亞足球甲級聯賽中表現出色,在 2019 賽季獲得第三名,並獲得參加歐足聯歐洲聯賽資格賽的資格。俱樂部在資格賽中被冰島球隊雷克雅未克淘汰。
