Wikipedia - Celebest F.C.

Celebest Football Club is a football club based in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia that competes in Liga 3. Nicknamed Tanduk Anoa, the club was founded as Villa 2000 Football Club based in Pamulang, South Tangerang, changed its name to Celebest in 2016 and moved to its current stadium, Gawalise Stadium, in the same year.


Abdee Negara Nurdin, the frontman of Slank is an important person behind the formation of Celebest FC. Because of his love for his hometown, Abdee with PT. CELEBEST INDONESIA ANDAL as a legal entity of Celebest FC, was determined to bring back the glory of the Sulawesi football, particularly in Indonesia.

February 11, 2016 was approved as the official foundation for Celebest FC, after the acquisition of ownership of the club Villa 2000 FC.

Name Celebest FC have been selected for developing football in Sulawesi, particularly in Palu and raise Sulawesi in National and International Football.

2016 became the starting point Celebest FC competed in the competition of football Indonesia, Indonesia Soccer Championship B. The squad of players that exist in Celebest FC is a young talent that has been selected at Palu, Manado, Makassar, Majene, and some young players from Villa 2000.

查列斯提斯足球俱樂部(印尼語:Celebest Football Club)是印度尼西亞查理塔(英语:Palopo)的職業足球俱樂部,目前在印尼足球聯賽二级聯賽作賽。

查列斯提斯足球俱樂部成立於2010年10月16日,並在2011-12賽季開始參賽,以取代已經解散的馬拉加(英语:Maranatha FC)。查列斯提斯足球俱樂部的主場位於查理塔的查理塔體育場(英语:Palopo Stadium)。查列斯提斯足球俱樂部的隊徽為盾形,中間有足球、山和水波的圖案。球隊的座右銘為“团结、荣誉、尊重”(Persatuan、Harga Diri、Respek)。


查列斯提斯足球俱樂部的主教練是印尼人查爾斯蒂安·阿西斯·普拉塞蒂約(Christian Aassis Prasetyo)。查列斯提斯足球俱樂部的隊長是印尼人帕布里·努拉斯萬(Pubri Nurwahyu)。查列斯提斯足球俱樂部的球星包括印尼人艾斯蘇爾·哈斯比(Essul Hasby)和約翰·帕特里克·阿薩芒(John Patrick Asamangua)。