The Shinshu Brave Warriors is a professional basketball team that competes in the first division of the Japanese B.League. The team was formed in 2011 and as of the 2016–17 season played in the Central Division (Naka-chiku) of the B2 League. The team name comes from a desire to show the tradition of the Nagano prefecture, formerly called Shinshu. And to liken the players to the ninja and samurai warriors who fought and trained in the area in times past. Their official home is in Chikuma City, just south of the prefectural capital of Nagano City, however games are sometimes played in Nagano itself or in other nearby cities such as Matsumoto.[1]

長野信洲勇士是一支職業籃球隊伍,於 2020 年成立。球隊總部位於日本長野縣,是 B.聯賽的成員。球隊主場館是長野市運動公園體育館。球隊的吉祥物是名叫信州犬丸彥的信州犬。長野信州勇士的前身是 2001 年成立的新潟天鵝,球隊在 2004 年遷至長野,並在 2020 年改名為長野信州勇士。球隊在 2021 年升入 B.聯賽。