Wikipedia - ProStars FC

Prostars FC is a Canadian soccer team based in Brampton, Ontario. The organization was founded in 2013. The club plays in the semi-professional League1 Ontario, part of the third division in the Canadian soccer league system in both the men's and women's divisions. The team play their home games at Victoria Park Stadium in Brampton, Ontario. The team's colours are blue for home games and white for away games.


ProStars FC was founded as Pro Stars Soccer Academy in 2013. The key philosophy for ProStars is to develop, teach and promote Academy and Professional soccer to all ages, in a safe and healthy environment. Integrated in this is the building of self-esteem, self-confidence, teamwork, respect for self and others, and the inherent benefits of physical exercise.

Successes of the academy did not go unnoticed as a steady stream of players were invited to try-outs for professional soccer teams in Europe.

They added teams in the men's and women's divisions of League1 Ontario in 2015. They departed the women's division after only one season, but re-joined for the 2022 season.

The three Mississauga-based League1 Ontario teams—ProStars FC, Sigma FC, and North Mississauga SC—compete annually for the Credit River Cup, awarded by the Sauga City Collective supporters group, with the team's matches against each other during the L1O deciding the victor. However, in 2021, ProStars committed to having their home in Brampton, they were removed from the Credit River Cup. They returned to the competition in 2022, winning their first Credit River Cup that season. They also qualified for the League1 Ontario playoffs for the first time in 2022.

In September 2023, the club partnered with Milton Youth Soccer Club (who were previously affiliated with Scrosoppi FC) to co-ordinate their women's team, including player registration, management, and gameday operations, also providing opportunities for male players from Milton to trial with the men's team.

「職業明星足球俱樂部」是一支享譽國際的足球勁旅,隊名中的「Pro」象徵著球隊專業、卓越的競技水平,「stars」則代表著球隊中每一位閃耀的球星。球隊成立於 2010 年,總部位於繁華的都市。俱樂部的目標是打造一支世界一流的足球隊伍,並在各項賽事中取得輝煌的成績。「職業明星足球俱樂部」擁有著一支由世界頂級球星組成的豪華陣容。球隊中不乏來自世界各地的足球天才,他們精湛的球技和默契的配合讓球隊在球場上所向披靡。球隊的主教練是一位經驗豐富的足球戰術大師,他獨到的戰略佈局和靈活多變的陣型變化讓球隊在比賽中總是能夠佔據主動。