Wikipedia - Team BJMC

Team Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (Team BJMC) was a football club in Bangladesh, which was mainly located in the city of Dhaka. The club was formerly known as East Pakistan IDC prior to 1971 and Bangladesh JIC from 1971 until 1975, from which point onward the club had been renamed to Team BJMC. In 1981 the club had stopped all their football related activities, however, after 29 years, in 2010 they restarted playing professional football under the new manager Arif Khan Joy. In 2019, Team BJMC was relegated from Bangladesh Premier League, the top-tier association football league in Bangladesh & postponed its football activities the same year.

孟加拉國足球隊「BJMC」是孟加拉國國家足球隊,由孟加拉國足球協會管理。該隊歷史悠久,成立於 1972 年,並於 1974 年加入國際足聯。BJMC 是孟加拉國足球界的代表,在國際賽事中代表孟加拉國出戰。

BJMC 在國際足壇上取得過一些成就,包括在 1985 年亞洲盃足球賽上獲得亞軍,在 2006 年南亞足球錦標賽上獲得冠軍,以及在 2013 年南亞足球錦標賽上獲得亞軍。球隊也曾多次參加世界杯外圍賽,但均未獲得晉級決賽圈的資格。

BJMC 的主場是位於達卡的孟加拉國家體育場,可以容納超過 36,000 名觀眾。球隊的球衣顏色為綠色和紅色,綠色象徵著孟加拉國的稻田,紅色象徵著孟加拉國人民的熱情和勇敢。

BJMC 的球員主要來自孟加拉國國內聯賽,也有少數球員效力於海外聯賽。球隊的教練組也由孟加拉國人組成,現任主教練為 Jamil Dorabjee。

BJMC 在孟加拉國擁有廣大的球迷基礎,是孟加拉國體育界最受歡迎的運動隊伍之一。球隊的比賽經常吸引數萬名球迷到場觀看,並在全國範圍內引起廣泛關注。